Application Process

Applications to the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia can be accessed and submitted online at anytime.  Program staff is available at no charge to provide assistance during the application process.  Partners may revise their applications at any time during their term of membership to apply to a higher level.

Apply Now IMPORTANT: Please make sure your popup blockers are turned off before entering the system.

Which Partnership path is right for your organization?

If you aren’t certain whether the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia is for you, we encourage you to review our summary of program benefits, or contact one of our program staff for more information at 404-651-5120.  Before applying, please review the program criteria to ensure that you are applying to the track and level that best fit your organization.  The Partnership now offers organizations two different paths for developing their environmental programs:

EMS Track

Larger organizations (typically including manufacturers and institutions such as hospitals, military installations, and universities) will likely find the traditional path, now called our EMS Track, is a good fit for their needs.  Partners in the EMS Track follow a traditional ISO-14001-based approach to developing an EMS for their facilities.  While development of a traditional EMS can be resource intensive, it provides an excellent framework for larger organizations to get a handle on their diverse environmental impacts, and is often sought by customers and other stakeholders.  Applicants may join this track at whatever level fits their organization in terms of its stage of EMS development.

Sustainable Office Toolkit (SOT) Track

The Sustainable Office Toolkit is a set of resources and tools developed by the Sustainability Division to help organizations of all types and sizes move toward sustainability through practices such as recycling, energy and water conservation, and green building.  The new SOT Track of our program guides facilities through developing a comprehensive environmental program, using the toolkit as a foundation.  This approach may be particularly appropriate for office-based organizations, or smaller businesses with fewer resources to dedicate to development of a traditional EMS.  Organizations following this path of progression through our program will find that they are able to identify and minimize their environmental footprint, and document to stakeholders their commitment to environmental stewardship.

Enrollment Cycles

Applicants may access our online system and submit an application at any time.  Once an application has been completed and submitted, the applicant will be prompted to sign a participation statement and return it to the Sustainability Division.  When the signed participation statement is received, the application is considered complete.  The review process varies by level as described below.

Champion & Bronze Levels

Applications will be reviewed and considered upon receipt of the signed participation statement.  Applicants will be notified of acceptance no later than one month after receipt of the application.

Silver & Gold Levels

Applications will be reviewed and considered on a quarterly basis by the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia Advisory Panel.  Applicants may be asked to present an overview of their environmental program to the Partnership Advisory Panel.  Applications will be reviewed and notified of acceptance as follows.

Silver/Gold Application Review Schedule

Application Submitted Application Reviewed Notified of Acceptance
March 1 – May 31 June July
June 1 – August 31 September October
September 1 – November 30 December January
December 1 – February 28/29 March April

Sample Applications to the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia

Champion Application Sample

Bronze EMS Track Application Sample
Bronze SOT Application Sample

Silver EMS Track Application Sample
Silver SOT Track Application Sample

Gold EMS Track Application Sample
Gold SOT Track Application Sample

IMPORTANT: Please make sure your popup blockers are turned off before entering the system.

If you have any questions about applying or need assistance, please contact Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia staff at 404-165-5120 or