Water Management & Conservation Websites

Georgia | Other States | National and International | Federal Government | Water Conservation Products


Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) represents all of Georgia’s 159 counties and serves as a consensus-building, training, and legislative organization. It provides services and resources for its members on a wide variety of topics, including environmental and water resources management: http://www.accg.org

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) provides information on its involvement with various water management activities and programs in its 10-county service area, including the Atlanta Area Clean Water Campaign: http://www.atlantaregional.com

The City of Atlanta’s Department of Watershed Management provides information on water restrictions, conservation and a xeriscaping consultation program: http://www.cleanwateratlanta.org/

Chatham County-Savannah Water Resources Program site includes information on public education, water quality, ground water resources, water conservation tips and kits, and more: http://www.thempc.org/waterresources/newweb/Index.htm

The City of Savannah’s Water & Sewer Bureau site, with water conservation information and children’s activities, is: http://www.ci.savannah.ga.us/cityweb/webdatabase.nsf

Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority WaterSmart program provides information about “state of the science” methods for maintaining lawns and outdoor landscapes while conserving water through the use of such practices as xeriscape and smart water use:

Drought In Georgia is a site maintained by the University of Georgia with the latest information on the ongoing drought, including water use restrictions, climatological data, xeriscaping information, water conservation tips, useful publications, and more: http://www.georgiadrought.org

Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources provides regulatory information and technical guidance on the State’s water resources management and protection activities, including information on water withdrawal permits, water conservation plan guidelines, water reclamation and urban reuse and much more: http://www.gaepd.org

Georgia Conservancy is a statewide environmental organization working to ensure that Georgians have healthy air, clean water, unspoiled wild places and community green space now and in the future. Information on water resources management and conservation is provided: http://www.georgiaconservancy.org

Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Office of Environmental Management provides local governments, communities and the public with technical assistance, guidance, and educational materials on recycling, solid waste and water resources management, including water conservation and the WaterFirst Community Program: http://www.dca.state.ga.us/environmental/index.html

Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) represents many of Georgia’s municipal (city) governments and provides legislative advocacy, educational, employee benefit and technical consulting services to its members, including water resources management information: http://www.gmanet.com

The Joint Comprehensive Water Plan Study Committee and Water Plan Advisory Committee were created by the Georgia Legislature in 2001, in response to the water resource challenges facing Georgia. Information on committee activities, including recommendations for development of a Georgia Comprehensive Water Management Plan, is available at: http://www.cviog.uga.edu/water/

Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District was created by the Georgia Legislature in 2001 as a planning entity dedicated to developing comprehensive regional and watershed-specific plans to be implemented by local governments in the Atlanta area, including water supply and conservation programs. Information on the District’s activities is available at: http://www.northgeorgiawater.com

Georgia Rural Water Association (GRWA) is a nonprofit organization representing rural systems throughout the State of Georgia in regard to drinking water and wastewater needs, providing technical assistance, leak detection and other water management services to its members: http://www.grwa.org

Georgia Urban Agriculture Coalition (GUAC) is an organization of urban agricultural associations in Georgia helping to address various issues, including water management, in this industry. Information on their activities is available on the Georgia Green Industry Association Web site at http://www.ggia.org/

Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) is dedicated to education, dissemination of technical and scientific information, increased public understanding, and promotion of sound public laws and programs in the water resources and related environmental fields, including water conservation and wastewater reclamation and reuse: http://www.gawp.org

Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P&#178AD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources site includes a Water Efficiency page describing Benefits, Steps For A Successful Water Efficiency Program, the Division’s Services, Georgia Success Stories, Water Efficiency Web Links and more: http://www.p2ad.org/wa_home.html

Southface promotes sustainable homes, workplaces and communities through education, advocacy, technical assistance and research, and provides information on the EarthCraft House Program, innovative water conservation methods, rainwater harvesting, and more: http://www.southface.org/

University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture addresses the management and maintenance of landscape systems, small garden plots, interiorscapes, urban forests, golf courses, parks and recreational facilities, public and institutional grounds, athletic fields, and traffic right-of-ways in our expanding urban areas: http://apps.caes.uga.edu/urbanag/

The University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Water Task Force site provides an overview of most of the projects concerning water that are being carried out by this unit of the University: http://admin.caes.uga.edu/workgroup/wtf/index.html

Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper is an independent environmental advocacy organization dedicated solely to protecting the Chattahoochee River, whose web site provides information and educational resources on a variety of water topics, including conservation (under Headwaters): http://www.chattahoochee.org

Other States

Albuquerque, New Mexico water conservation site, including information on innovative rebate programs for xeriscaping, low-flow toilets, washing machines and more: http://www.cabq.gov/waterconservation/

Austin, Texas water conservation site: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/watercon/

California Urban Water Conservation Council was created to increase efficient water use statewide through partnerships among urban water agencies, public interest organizations, and private entities and provides a wide variety of useful resources: http://www.cuwcc.org

California Urban Water Conservation Council H2ouse site provides a virtual tour of home water conservation opportunities, with many linked resources: http://www.h2ouse.org/

Cary, North Carolina water conservation site: http://www.townofcary.org/depts/pwdept/wcp.htm

Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada water conservation site: http://www.lvvwd.com

Los Angeles, California water conservation site: http://www.ladwp.com/ladwp/areaHomeIndex.jsp?contentId=LADWP_WATER_SCID

Maryland Department of the Environment drought and water conservation information: http://www.mde.state.md.us/Programs/WaterPrograms/Water_Conservation/index.asp

Seattle, Washington water conservation and environment web site: http://www.seattle.gov/html/CITIZEN/environment.htm

South Florida Water Management District site provides information on Florida’s statewide water conservation campaign. Click on Florida’s Water – It’s Worth Saving, at: http://www.sfwmd.gov/index.html

Texas WaterWise Council has adopted a list of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to serve as guidelines to implement WaterWise landscapes across Texas:

National and International

American Public Works Association is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services, including water management and conservation information: http://www.apwa.net

American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. They provide a variety of resources and publications on drought, water conservation, xeriscaping, and more: http://www.awwa.org

Earth’s 911, also known as the 1-800-CLEANUP site, has a wide variety of community specific resources on water conservation, recycling, waste disposal, pollution prevention, Beach Watch, and many other environmental topics: http://www.1800cleanup.org

Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) is a “first-stop shop” providing environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff, including water management and conservation information: http://www.lgean.org

Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is an international, interdisciplinary, water education program for formal and nonformal educators of students ages five to 18: www.projectwet.org

U.S. Green Building Council provides information on LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System, a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings: http://www.usgbc.org

The World’s Water, a site dedicated to providing up-to-date water information, data and web connections to organizations, institutions, and individuals working on a wide range of global freshwater problems and solutions: http://www.worldwater.org/

Water Environment Federation provides resources and publications on water management, reuse and other topics: http://www.wef.org

Water Use It Wisely Campaign provides a variety of water conservation resources including 100 tips, brochures, public service announcements, state conservation contacts and more: http://www.wateruseitwisely.com

Water Wiser National Water Efficiency Clearinghouse serves the growing community of water conservation and efficiency practitioners: http://www.waterwiser.org/

Federal Government

US EPA Water Efficiency Program is primarily concerned with municipal water use. Everyone from homeowners to State governments can find extensive information on conservation, drought management, conservation pricing, water reuse, and more, with other web site links to help them become more water-efficient: http://www.epa.gov/owm/water-efficiency/index.htm

US EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water site provides water education and includes a downloadable version of the Water Sourcebook: http://www.epa.gov/safewater/index.html

USGS Water Science For Schools site has extensive water basics and water use information, interactive displays, resources, data, picture gallery, glossary, and more: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/

WaterWise: the Learning to be WaterWise Program teaches students and families about the water cycle and explores sources, uses and the conservation of water: http://www.getwise.org/

Water Conservation Products

Niagara Conservation water and energy conservation products: http://www.niagaraconservation.com/

New Resources Group (NRG) water conservation products: http://www.nrgideas.com

Texas Guide to Rainwater Harvesting and list of providers of rainwater collection systems, service and equipment: http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/assistance/conservation/Rain.htm

NOTE: Inclusion of product Web sites does not constitute any specific endorsement of these products. Similar products may be available from other sources.