Category: Publications

Pollution Prevention in the Photofinishing Industry: Capturing the Moment

Photographic processing wastes vary with the type and amount of film being processed. By identifying the type of waste and implementing pollution prevention techniques, photofinishing processors can eliminate high disposal costs and improve the health and safety of individuals. Materials of environmental concern found in photofinishing effluents include cadmium, chromium, ferrocyanide, lead, and silver. Reduction of these wastes involves good housekeeping practices, process modification, recovery, and reuse. Before modification of an existing process, it is important to know the state regulatory requirements and comply with the wastewater discharge limitations. Good…

Managing Fats, Oils & Grease in Wastewater

Fats, oils, and grease are problems for the wastewater system. When hot oil is poured down a drain, or greasy wastewater enters the drain from a dishwasher, the oil cools and can coat the inside of drain pipes, causing slow drainage or blocked pipes. Limits are set by wastewater treatment authorities on how much fat, oil, and grease (abbreviated as FOG) wastewater generated by restaurants and food products manufacturers can contain. Building codes also require the installation of grease traps in restaurants. The best way to avoid problems with FOG…

Stormwater Pollution Prevention for Truckers

A stormwater permit and a formal Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan are required for most motor trucking facilities and other manufacturers by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). The deadline for obtaining a stormwater permit has passed for existing facilities. If a company has not yet obtained a permit, EPD should be contacted to begin the permitting process now. A major requirement for obtaining a storm water permit is to create a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or SWP3. SWP3s use best management practices for materials and facilities to prevent stormwater from…