Health Care Publications

The American Society for Healthcare Environmental Services for the American Hospital Association has several waste reduction resources available for hospitals including:

  • Guidebook for Hospital Waste Reduction Planning and Program Implementation
  • An Ounce of Prevention: Waste Reduction Strategies for Healthcare Facilities

To order contact ASHES at (800) AHA-2626.

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide (

Guide on how to implement an EPP program at a hospital. Created as part of the EPA/AHA’s Hospitals for a Healthy Environment Initiative.

Mercury Management Guide (

This guide is one of the many resources on reducing mercury waste in healthcare, which is found on the Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization’s web page.

Pollution Prevention for Hospitals and Medical Facilities (PDF)

This publication, created by the Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant, provides pollution prevention opportunities for hospitals by department.

Guide to Pollution Prevention — Selected Hospital Waste Stream

This EPA Pollution Prevention guide for hospitals targets the reduction of solvents, photographic chemicals, chemotherapy chemicals, formaldehyde, x-ray chemicals and mercury.

Fletcher Allen Healthcare: Reducing Food Waste

California Integrated Waste Management Board’s Waste Reduction Fact Sheets for Hospitals

Category: Health Care