Wood Waste in Georgia

The Pollution Prevention Assistance Division and the University of Georgia have formed a partnership to study the wood waste production and reuse situation in the state. The study involves three phases and is being conducted by the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) at UGA.

The first phase is a characterization study of wood waste in Georgia, with an extensive literature review and survey of the national wood waste situation. This phase is completed.

The second phase involves a survey of the wood waste generators in Georgia to determine the actual quantities, types, and destinations (i.e., landfill or recycle) of the wood waste generated. This survey has been mailed to over 1,500 companies in the state. Results are being compiled and a preliminary report should be ready by the end of August.

The third phase will involve the identification of wood waste reduction opportunities, the existing recycling infrastructure for wood by-products, and recycling market development opportunities. The final report should be available by September 30, 1998.

Georgia’s Estimated Wood Waste Generation and Reuse (from Phase 1 report)

Wood Waste Source Total 1996 Wood Waste (tons) Percent of Total Percent Reused
Primary wood manufacturing industries 7,172,568 72% 99%
Secondary wood manufacturing industries 342,460 4% 6.95%
Municipal Solid Waste 697,144 7% 10%
Yard Waste 1,082,408 11% 12%
Construction & Demolition 383,429 4% 0
Railroad Ties 39,905 0.5% 80%
Pallets 160,223 1.5% 19%
Grand Total 9,878,148 100%