Onsite Assessments

An onsite pollution prevention assessment consists of a visit or series of visits by a Sustainability Division engineer to your plant, at your request. In working with small companies, the staff person will assess your waste-generating processes and help you determine pollution prevention and recycling opportunities that are specific to your business. For larger companies, the Sustainability Division acts as a facilitator to guide company managers and staff in a self-assessment of their waste streams. Engineers with the Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute and/or the UGA Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering assist Sustainability Division staff in performing assessments as needed, through an organization known as the Georgia Environmental Partnership (GEP).

After an assessment is conducted, a written report or fact sheet is provided to the company. This report offers options for pollution prevention, estimated waste reduction, and estimated cost savings as appropriate. The scope of an assessment report varies, depending on the size and complexity of the company’s manufacturing processes and the number of areas assessed. Six months after the report is delivered, the Sustainability Division conducts a follow-up discussion with clients to learn whether the company has implemented any of the suggestions presented and whether more information in needed. A company is not required to implement any or all of the options presented. Your involvement is strictly voluntary. For more information on the voluntary and confidential nature of our work, see the Sustainability Division Confidentiality Policy.

The Sustainability Division and GEP have performed assessments at a wide variety of manufacturing companies, ranging in size from less than ten to more than 25,000 employees. In addition, the Division has established on-going relationships with a variety of large companies in Georgia. In these situations, Division staff provides continuing support as requested to the companies’ existing pollution prevention or environmental teams.

To request an on-site assessment, contact the Sustainability Division at (404) 651-5120, (800) 165-2443. We will be happy to work with your company in identifying specific pollution prevention options.